Thursday, February 2, 2012


They say it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.  I haven't even started my new blog yet and already I decided to change the name to day by day.  What can I say?

Next, if you want to receive my blog on email  please look up at the top right hand corner where it says followers and check to follow.(that is , if you want to receive my blog.  It will no longer be on face book.)

Thanks again,
Until next time,
Be kind to one another.


Moving to email

I have decided to post my blogs on email only.  if you would like to receive it, please post yourselves as a follower.  There will be no more blogs on face book.  Also, the title of the blog is also changing.  It will now be What will bring joy today?  Hope you will sign up.

Until next time
Be kind to one another


P.S.  If you are on email, would you pleas sign up also.  Don't want to send it to people who have no interest in it.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Wow. Surpirse, surprise!!!!

You know when you see some of these people doing good deeds on TV and you think, that would never happen to me?  guess what?  It did.

I was at the grocery store standing in line to check out.  The fatherly looking Man in front of me put the divider thingy to separate out groceries.  Jokingly I said, "What, you mean you are not buying my food today?"  Hs said, ""You would be3 surprised if I did, wouldn't you?"  I laughed and said, that will be the day.

The man left and I thought the clerk said, "that man just left you eight dollars."  I couldn't believe it.  No one ever did anything like that for me. She said that really made her day and I agreed that it also made mine.  What a kind thing to do. When I went to buy ink for my computer I reached in to get the eight dollars.  What to my wasn't eight, it was eighty.  That man left me eighty dollars.  A complete stranger and I don't even know how to thank him..

I am going to write a letter to the Columbian and thank him.  Just hope he reads it.  It was really a blessing and I know God is working in my life every day.  This was a special treat.

Making this short, but just had to tell you.

Until next time,
Be kind to one another

Friday, January 20, 2012

Enjoyable Day

Yesterday was a cozy lazy day. When I woke up the sky was a dark gray and the rain was a soft, steady fall.  A few years ago I would have put on my boots, flipped open my umbrella and taken my four mile walk, stopping half way home for a cup of coffee at Elmer's.  However, I can no longer do the walking so whats an old broad to do on such a drippy day?

 Started off with a fresh cup of coffee, watched a little TV and then feeling like having a lazy day, started a new book by Maeve Binchy, Whitethorn Woods. I think it will be a good one.  Then, since it was cold and drizzly, I made a pot of Beef Vegetable Soup.  Stew meat you could cut with a fork, carrots, onions, celery, tomato sauce and just a little macaroni. Also made a loaf of banana bread.  Wow! don't get in this kind of cooking mood very often.  As you can imagine, I had a great dinner and then watched PBS"s  Art Beat.

Art Beat is only a half hour show.  Wish it could be at least an hour as our section. Oregon  and Washington, we have a lot of artistic talent.  Last night they had a group that got together and anyone interested could join them as they played classical music.  I didn't catch where they were meeting, but what fantastic fun they were having.  Next was a gentleman who did unbelievable jugs etc. with layered wood.  I was really impressed with a young woman photographer who created scenes from her childhood memories.  She used real models,and her photographs were fantastic.

Bed time.  Took Annie out to do her business, tucked her in and then curled up on the couch to read a couple more chapters of Maeve's novek, ..What a great, simple day.

Until next time,
Be Kind to One another

Monday, January 16, 2012

This and That

A little bit of everything.  Here in the great Northwest the weatherman has been telling us we are going to have snow, or rain with very cold weather and a lot of ice to contend with.  I think my little section of town must have a big umbrella over it.  Everyone on every direction only a few miles away have been posting pictures of their snow fall.  We don't have any.  Not complaining , however as I hate to drive in such weather.

And then there is my eyes.   Got the ninth needle in the eye last week.  My Macular Degeneration in that eye is called wet, which is suppose to be the bad kind. I am having trouble with the other eye.  It, however, is dry.  The cells right through the middle of my eye are dieing and because it is dry, there is nothing that can be done for that eye.  I asked the Dr. if I would lose my sight in that eye.  He said no, it would just get worse and be harder to read etc.  What fun.  Can't complain thougth as he said I wouldn't lose my sight completely.  I think of all the people that can't see at all.  All the beauty in the world that they are missing.  Thank you God that I can still see.

Remember how the kids were always using the word "like>?"  You know, like, I want to , like, go to the movie, like etc.  Well, I don't know if it is just me or if there is a new word becoming popular and not with the kids, but with adults.  It seems like everyo9ne on TV is beginning their sentences with "So.:  Please notice and let me know that I am not crazy. 

"So," what is new in your world?

"So," I am starting to look for those Christmas gifts in t6hrift stores and garage sales.  Also thinking about the first thing that I am going to make.  I need to go to the hardware store to get some fixtures to make my first project. What fun to have a whole year to look for special things and make fun little things that are useful.  I don't want to make a lot of gunky projects, but I hope what I make will be useful and practical. 

Not much more to say tonight, just had to let you know I was still kicking.

Until next time,
\Be Kind to One Another

Friday, January 6, 2012


Instead of looking at Christmas as the time to celebrate the birth of Christ, my son says "Bah Humbug."  He sees it as a time when everybody buys a lot of things for people, things they may not like, or want, or can use.  He sees merchants making a fortune at the expense of everyone.  I can see his point, but to me in addition to the real reason for celebrating Christmas, I remember form my childhood that the things I most enjoyed were the things my mother made for me.  New clothes for my dolls.  A new pillow and blanket for the doll bed, etc. So, I came up with an idea that my sister and my daughter-in-law agreed with.

Here we are at the beginning of a new year and I I am talking about Christmas.  Why?  Just between our families, we are going to make everything we give next year, or we can buy things at garage sales, thrift stores etc/  Hence, we can have fun all year looking for special things that fit the person, and make things we know they will like.  Going back to simplicity is really fun.  I can't wait to get started.  I already know a number of things I am going to make.  Small things, but useful things.

I would love to tell you what I buy or make as I go along, but I don't want them to know, so after Christmas 2012 I will tell you all about my journey through the year, and if I can learn how to put photos on to my blog, I will include them also.

Until next time,
Be kind to one another.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year-2012

I don't know if I am the only one, or if some of you feel the same way I do, but when it is a new year I all of a sudden feel like I have a fresh start and I think of all the things I am going to do.  I start out with a bang, but don't always follow through.  I don't make resolutions, I just have all these great ideas.

When you are as old as I am, you can't really say "In the next ten years or so, I am going to do such and such."  The reason:  At 86 you know even if you have a long life you don't have that many years left so if you want to do certain things, etc.< now is the time. (of course, anyone can die at any time, but when you are old it is a given.)

So I start out the year trying to make a life that is simple.  This has many connotations.  L.  Find joy in simple things.  2.  Make your life simpler by getting rid of clutter.

What are some of the simple things in my life?  A good cup of coffee.  A phone call from my son or my granddaughter.  Petting my little Annie and playing ball with her.  Losing a pound.  Hearing from a friend,  Feeling the sun on my back as I take Annie out.  Knowing that God is with me no matter what happens in my life.  This could go on for hours, but I will try to find some simple pleasure to celebrate each day.

Now we come to CLUTTER.  I have seen many programs on TV, as I'm sure you have, where someone shows you how to get rid of your clutter.  You have three bins.  One for things you want to keep.  Another for things you want to give away, and finally one you want to toss in the trash.  Let me first say that a great majority of my clutter is paper.  Stacked on every flat surface a mixture of everything you can dream of.  That is a little different than the bin thing.  I actually have to sit down and go over each piece to see if I want it or not, and that takes a lot of time.  An expert would probably say, if you haven't looked at it in a year, just toss it.  I Can't.

On the other hand, I think I will start in my closet.  I have clothes in there that I haven't worn in 20 years.  Some of them are almost new, but I have gained weight.  I always say I am saving them , because I am going to lose weight and can wear them again.  Well..........If I live to be 100 I will never lose enough weight to fit into them, and if I did, they would be so outdated that people would think I was from another planet if I wore them.  So.  I am going to start with my closet today.,  This should be interesting.

How can you keep you life on a simple plan?  Are you over-run with too many obligations?  Do you waste too much time playing with your computer?  Have you learned how to say no once in a while.  If you are a yes person all the time, everyone will be after your help. 

Life is short.  Do some of the things you want to do.  Finish some of the projects you have started or get rid of them.  Spend more time with those you love and create wonderful memories with them.  Also, be sure to tell them how much you love them..We all like to hear that.

I am open to ideas .  I truly want to celebrate simplicity this year.

Looking forward to a great year
so until next time,
Be Kind to One Another.